Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Microsoft releasing Windows 8.1 as free upgrade

Microsoft. (Duncan Alfreds, News24)
Los Angeles - Microsoft is releasing its long-awaited Windows 8.1 upgrade as a free download starting on Thursday. It addresses some of the gripes people have had with Windows 8, the dramatically different operating system that attempts to bridge the divide between tablets and PCs.

Windows 8.1 still features the dual worlds that Windows 8 created when it came out last October. On one hand, it features a touch-enabled tile interface resembling what's found in tablet computers.

On the other, there's the old desktop mode where the keyboard and mouse still reign. The update adds some new finger- and gesture-friendly shortcuts for touch-based apps, while restoring some respect for the desktop mode that a billion PC users have become accustomed to.

The release comes as sales of traditional desktop and laptop computers continue to decline because consumers are spending money instead on the latest smartphones and tablets.

It also comes at a time of transition for Microsoft as the Redmond, Washington, company focuses on devices and services, not just software.

Earlier this month, Microsoft struck a deal to acquire Nokia's phone business and patent rights for more than $7bn. Microsoft is also searching for a new CEO to replace Steven A Ballmer, who announced last month that he plans to retire within the next year.

The Window 8.1 update is free for current owners of Windows 8. It's available starting at 11:00 GMT on Thursday in New York, which corresponds to the start of Friday in New Zealand. Simply go to the Windows Store app to find it.

It may take a few hours for updates to reach everyone. Computers with Windows 8.1 already installed will go on sale on Friday local time. That's also when people will be able to buy stand-alone copies of Windows 8.1.

The changes range from the cosmetic to improved functionality:

Start me up - The Start button is back in desktop mode, although not the way it was before Windows 8 came along. In Windows 7 and before, a click on Start would have brought up programs and important folders in a list.

Now, one tap on Start flips you back to the new tile interface, where you can click or tap tiles to open programs. A long press brings up crucial settings such as the Control Panel.

Boot to desktop - You can now start up the machine in desktop mode, bypassing the tiles for a short time. That removes some of the headache for companies that want to use Windows 8 but don't want to buy a touch screen monitor for every employee.

Onscreen keyboard swipes - The onscreen keyboard now includes the ability to type numbers or punctuation marks by swiping up or away from certain keys on the standard "qwerty" layout, eliminating the need to toggle between numeric and alphabetic layouts. You can also select from suggested words mid-stream using side swipes and taps on the virtual spacebar.

Gesture-enabled apps - You can now wave in the air in front of the front-facing camera to get a response. For example, in the new app Bing Food & Drink, a right-to-left wave in "Hands Free Mode" flips through pages of a recipe.

Quicker tile organisation - You can tap and hold Windows tiles with your finger to move them. Another couple taps will allow you to resize them in one of four sizes. In the previous version, you had to go back to the mouse or touchpad and right-click on tiles to do this, and you were limited to two sizes.

Easier apps access - Finding all your apps takes just a swipe up on your start screen, as long as you don't do it from beyond the bottom edge. Before, you had to swipe up from the bottom edge, then tap on the All Apps button.

Automatic updates - Apps update in the background, replacing the constant reminders to go to the Windows Store to update the apps yourself.

Smaller tablets - Windows 8.1 now has a home screen that looks good in portrait mode on screens measuring 18cm to 20cm diagonally.

Lock screen access - You can now answer Skype calls or take photos from the lock screen without having to log in. Just swipe down. You can also set other apps like Twitter to send notifications when the screen is locked.

Better multitasking - In Windows 8.1, you can run up to four apps at once side by side, double the previous amount, though you need a large, high-resolution monitor to do so (On its own, Microsoft's Surface tablets are not big enough for more than two).

You can resize panes using a slider that moves side to side, instead of being limited to one larger window and one slender one. This is still not as capable as Windows 7 or in desktop mode, where you can open dozens of items in windows that can be resized both horizontally and diagonally. And many app makers have yet to adapt, meaning some apps still appear as a thin sliver, even if you want them to take up half the screen.

Global search - Typing while on the tile-based start screen will pull up multiple search results - if applicable - from your computer, the web and the Windows app store. If you're searching for a musician, you'll see a list of popular songs you can play using Xbox Music, and if it's someone famous (like US President Barack Obama) you'll see biographical details, videos and other information. Before, you had to choose where to search: In apps, settings, computer file or on the internet.

E-mail update - The standard-issue Mail app now has a "power pane" on left-hand side with folders for updates from social networks like Facebook, messages from favourite contacts and newsletters. Some of these features work only with Microsoft accounts such as Hotmail and Outlook.com, though. A new "sweep" command deletes multiple messages with a couple taps.

Better browsing - No longer are you limited to 10 open tabs in the tile version of Internet Explorer. Before, web pages automatically closed without prompts when you try to open more.

You can open as many as you want now. Better yet, you can have two different websites displayed side by side, the way you've long been able to before Windows 8 came along.

Xbox music refresh - The music streaming app now optimizes playback over discovery with a layout that has more lists and smaller photos.

It also adds the ability to create playlists from any website with a couple taps. When on a website featuring artists, swipe in from the right edge and tap the Share button followed by the Music button. It will create a song playlist based on those artists, which you can then stream for free.

Picture editing - A picture editor with pre-set effects comes with the update, allowing for photo touch-ups, cropping, contrast changes and other features.

Xbox One integration - You can pick up where you left off if you start playing a video purchased on Xbox Video on a tablet and then watch the rest on Microsoft's upcoming game console, Xbox One

ENDTIME: World’s First Gay BIBLE Has Been Published With Verses That Promote Same Sex

  A book claiming to be the world’s first ‘gay bible’ has been published to coincide with the debate on same-séx marriageTitled the ‘Queen James Bible’, its editors claim that it is a re-working of the King James Bible translated in a way that ‘prevents homophobic misinterpretation of God’s Word’.
‘Homoséxuality was first overtly mentioned in the Bible in 1946 in the Revised Standard Version. There is no mention of or reference to homoséxuality in any Bible prior to this only interpretations have been made’, the book’s official website said.
Genesis 19:5 (King James) ‘And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them.’
Genesis 19:5 (Queen James) ‘And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may rape and humiliate them’
Timothy 1:10 (King James) ‘For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine’
Timothy 1:10 (Queen James) ‘For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine’

Jude 1:7 (King James)’ ‘Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire’
Jude 1:7 (Queen James) ‘Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after nonhuman flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire’
The publication, printed and bound in the U.S. is timed to coincide with the current debate over same-séx marriage. The sales pitch on the website says: ‘You cant choose your séxuality, but you can choose Jesus. Now you can choose a Bible, too’. The book is on sale online but does not advertise its origins, with no specific publisher, editor or translator listed by name on it’s offical website. ‘God’ is listed as the author and ‘Jesus Christ’ a contributor.
Douglas J. Moo, Wessner Chair of Biblical Studies at Wheaton College and a professional Bible translator, told The Christian Post that the Queen James editors’ assessment of past translations is not entirely accurate.
‘Few, if any English translations use the actual words ‘homoséxuality’ or ‘homoséxual.’ But the history of English translation shows that versions have consistently used other language to refer to what we would call homoséxual relationships’, said Mr Moo.‘For instance, the King James Version of Romans 1:27 refers to ‘men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly. ‘It would be very difficult to deny that this language, and the language found in many other places in both the OT and the NT, refers to homoséxuality.’
A Vicar in New Zealand, meanwhile, has caused outrage by putting up a poster outside his church in Auckland, New Zealand, that claims Jesus was gay. ‘It’s Christmas. Time for Jesus to come out’, the sign proclaims, with an image of baby Jesus as a toddler in a manger, surrounded by a rainbow halo.
Reverend Glynn Cardy of St Matthew in the City church, said that, as homoséxuality was not a word until the 1800s, any mention of it in the Bible or other documents would have mistranslations. He points out that there is no indication about Jesus’s séxuality: ‘The fact is we don’t know what his séxual orientation was.’
His attempts at challenging the status quo were defended by fellow Reverend Clay Nelson who said the billboard tried to humanise Jesus by getting people to think about the challenges he would have had growing up.
He added: ‘Some scholars have tried to make the case that he might have been gay. ‘But it is all conjécture. Maybe gay, maybe not. Does it matter? ‘There is almost nothing in the record of his teachings about séxuality while there is plenty about the perils of being rich.
Certainly he always supported the marginalised in society

BBM For Android Is Finally Out Download Now

BlackBerry Ltd said on Monday it has begun to roll out its BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) service to users of Android and iPhone devices. the long-awaited cross-platform offering, which was delayed after issues arose following the initial launch last month, is now being rolled out in a phased manner.
“To help manage this unprecedented pent-up demand for BBM, we are implementing a simple line-up system to ensure a smooth rollout,” Andrew Bocking, who heads the BlackBerry’s BBM business, said in a blog post on the company’s website.
BlackBerry said last week that 6 million Android and iPhone customers had pre-registered for the launch.The company said those that
had already signed up for the service at BBM.com are being allowed to use the platform right away, while others will be signed on as fast as possible.
To download Visit http://www.bbm.com
from your iphone or Android phone
**Samsung customers in Sub-Sahara Africa can download BBM today from the Samsung Apps store. iPhone and other Android users in Africa will be able to download the app in three days’ time.

Friday, October 11, 2013

For those who do not understand "Why ASUU is on strike" - Please read this and share widely.....

 1. Less than 10% of the universities have Video Conferencing facility.

2. Less than 20% of the universities use Interactive Boards
3.More than 50% don’t use Public Address System in their lecture OVERCROWDED rooms/theatres.

4. Internet Services are non-existent,or epileptic and slow IN 99% of Niger...ian Universities

5. Nigerian Universities Library resources are outdated and manually operated. Book shelves are homes to rats/cockroaches

6.No university library in Nigeria is fully automated. Less than 35% are partially automated.

7. 701 Development projects in Nigerian universities 163 (23.3%) are abandoned 538 (76.7%) are PERPETUALLY on-going projects

8. Some of the abandoned projects in Nigerian universities are over 15 years old, some are over 40 years old.

9. 76% of Nigerian universities use well as source of water, 45% use pit latrine, 67% of students use bush as toilet

10. UNN and UDUS have the highest number of abandoned projects (22 and 16 respectively).

11. All NDDC projects across universities in Niger Delta States are abandoned. About 84.6% of them are students’ hostels

12. 77% of Nigerian universities can be classified as "Glorified Primary Schools" Laboratories are non existing

13. There are 8 on-going projects at the Nasarawa State University, Keffi. None of them is funded by the State Government

14. 80% of Nigerian Universities are grossly under-staffed

15. 78% of Nigerian Universities rely heavily on part-time and visiting lecturers.

16. 88% of Nigerian Universities have under-qualified Academics

17. 90% of Nigerian Universities are bottom-heavy (with junior lecturers forming large chunk of the workforce)

18. Only 2% of Nigerian Universities attract expatriate lecturers, over 80% of Ghanian Universities attract same

19. 89% of Nigerian Universities have ‘closed’ (homogeneous staff – in terms of ethno-cultural background)

20. Based on the available data, there are 37,504 Academics in Nigerian Public Universities

21. 83% of the lecturers in Nigerian universities are male while 17% are female.

22. 23,030 (61.0%) of the lecturers are employed in Federal universities while 14,474 (39.0%) teach in State Universities.

23. The teaching staff-students ratio is EMBARRASSINGLY very high in many universities:

24. LECTURER STUDENT RATIO: National Open University of Nigeria 1:363 University of Abuja 1:122 Lagos State University 1:111

25. (Compare the above with Harvard 1:4; MIT 1:9; Yale 1:4, Cambridge 1:3; NUS 1:12; KFUPM 1:9; Technion 1:15).

26. Nigerian Universities Instead of having 100% Academics having PhDs, only about 43% do so. The remaining 57% have no PhDs

27. Nigerian University medical students trained in the most dangerous environment, some only see medical tools in books

28. Only 7 Nigerian Universities have up to 60% of their teaching staff with PhD qualifications

29. While majority of the universities in the country are grossly understaffed, a few cases present a pathetic picture

30. There are universities in Nigeria which the total number of Professors is not more than Five (5)

31. Kano University of Science and Technology Wudil, established in 2001 (11 years old) only 1 Professor and 25 PhD holders.

32. Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero, established in 2006 has only 2 Professors and 5 PhDs

33. Ondo State University of Sci & Tech Okitipupa, established in 2008, has a total of 29 lecturers.

34. MAKE-SHIFT LECTURING SYSTEM: Out of a total of 37,504 lecturers, only 28,128 (75%) are engaged on full-time basis.

35. 9,376 (25%) Nigerian Lecturers are recycled as Visiting, Adjunct, Sabbatical and Contract lecturers.

36. In Gombe State University, only 4 out of 47 Profs are full-time and all 25 Readers are visiting

37. In Plateau State University, Bokkos, 74% of the lecturers are visiting.

38. In Kaduna State University, only 24 out of 174 PhD holders are full-time staff.

39. 700 EX-MILLITANTS in Nigeria are receiving more funds anualy than 20 Nigerian universities under 'Amnesty Scam'

40. 80% of published journals by Nigerian University lectures have no visibility in the international knowledge community.

41. No Nigerian academic is in the league of Nobel Laureates or a nominee of Nobel Prize.

42. There are only 2 registered patents owned by Nigerian Academics in the last 3 years.

43. Numerically more support staff in the services of Nigerian universities than the teaching staff they are meant to support

44. More expenditure is incurred in administration & routine functions than in core academic matters in Nigerian Universities

45. There are 77,511 full-time non-teaching staff in Nigeria’s public universities 2 Times number of academic staff

46. University of Benin, there are more senior staff in the Registrar cadre (Dep. Registrars, PARs, SARs) than Professors

47. Almost all the universities are over-staffed with non- teaching staff

48. There are 1,252,913 students in Nigerian Public Universities. 43% Female 57%Male

49. There is no relationship between enrolment and the tangible manpower needs of Nigeria.

50. Nigerian Uni Horrible hostel facilities, overcrowded, overstretched lavatory and laundry facilities, poor sanitation,etc

51. Except Nigerian Defence Acadamy Kaduna, no university in Nigeria is able to accommodate more than 35% of its students.

52. Some universities (e.g. MOUAU),female students take their bath in d open because d bathrooms are in very poor condition.

53. Laundries and common rooms in many universities have been converted into rooms where students live, in open prison style.

54. In most improvised cage called hostels in Nigerian Universities, there is no limit to the number of occupants.

55. Most State universities charge commercial rates for unfit and unsuitable hostel accommodation

56. In off-campus hostels, students are susceptible to extraneous influences and violence prostitution, rape, gang violence

57. Nigerian University Students sitting on bare floor or peeping through windows to attend lectures

58. Over 1000 students being packed in lecture halls meant for less than 150 students

59. Over 400 Nigerian University students being packed in laboratory meant for 75 students

60. University administrators Spend millions to erect super-gates when their Libraries are still at foundation level; Expend millions to purchase exotic vehicles for university officers even though they lack basic classroom furnishings; Spend hundreds of millions in wall-fencing and in-fencing when students accommodation is inadequate and in tatters;

61. Govt interested in spending money on creation of new uni instead of consolidating and expanding access to existing ones; Keen to award new contracts rather than completing the abandoned projects or standardizing existing facilities; Expend hundreds of millions paying visiting and part-time lecturers rather than recruiting full-time staff

62. Govt spending hundreds of millions in mundane administration cost instead of providing boreholes and power supplements; Govt hiring personal staff, including Personal Assistants, Special Advisers, Bodyguards, Personal Consultants, etc.

Andrew Uchenna Ogbonna (CLN)
e-Reference Librarian
Festus Aghagbo Nwako Library
Nnamdi Azikiwe University,
PMB, 5025, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria
See More


» Timaya - Ukwu [Official Video]

The Big Boss of Dem Mama Records TIMAYA hits the airwaves with a smashing and breathtaking video which he titles "Ukwu" meaning Waist. In this hilarious video, Timaya shows off the power of the female waist, very funny stuffs, a must see. The opening scene of this video sees Timaya as a doctor examining some X-Ray results and later as a police constable in a local precinct where the infectious power of the Ukwu makes everyone go gaga including the officers having a party in jail. This is a sure cracker so watch out for this joint.

Watch & Download Iceprice Ft. French Montana - I Swear [Official Video]

» Iceprice Ft. French Montana - I Swear [Official Video]

No New Symbian Apps Will be Created from January 2014

With the recent announcement of a Microsoft takeover of Nokia, it should not come as a surprise that Nokia will be discontinuing support for new Symbian and MeeGo apps from January 1, 2014. Symbian used to be the world’s number one smartphone OS by far. MeeGo was the original planned replacement for Symbian. Though MeeGo gained popularity amon...g Symbian fans, Nokia dropped it for Windows Phone after the current CEO arrived.

From what I gather, both Symbian and MeeGo apps already existing in Nokia Store will still be available for download by users. Also, developers will still continue to get paid when their existing apps are purchased. However, developers will no longer be able to publish new apps or update existing apps in the Store after January 1 2014.

Source:- Mobility.ng

Terry G Attacked by gun men

Hip hop singer Terry G, also known as GZUS, was recently attacked by armed robbers on his way to perform at an event. Sources close to the singer disclosed that he was not harmed, but made away with some of his valuables including, phones, money, and jewellery among others.

“We tried to keep it secret, but we have to say it out now! GZUS was attacked on Sunday by heavily armed robbers on his way to an event, we thank God they just collected his valuables. Though they later recognized him, but they did not return the valuables.

We thank God for life, protection and guidance,”

Top Ten Sexiest Nigerian Entertainers(PHOTOS)

Peter Okoye

Africa is one of the most talented continent in the world, we exclusively decided to show the world some of our sexiest men in Nigeria  entertainment industry, check them out...

Peter Okoye is actually the most sexiest Entertainer in Africa entertainment scene because he got the swag, packs and the ladies can’t take off their eyes on him any-time he pulls his top on stage....


When you talk about one of the sexiest men in Nigeria music industry, you will surely put the Mr Sexy himself at the top list, if you really wants the ladies at your show to go gaga, try invite lynxx because he got it all.

Flavour N’abania

Flavour who happens to be the King of eastern Nigerian entertainment is surely the ladies favourite, even Keri Hilson admitted so when she watched the video of the high life star twisting his God given waist.

Capita F.E.M.I

Capital F.E.M.I is one of the sexiest RnB musicians signed to kennis music records..


I know you know who he is, Nigeria Micheal Jackson he wont ecitate removing his shirts in all he’s musical video because  his hot body is his selling point.

Ik Ogbonna

Ik Ogbonna

Ik ogbonna is one of the Nollywood sexiest actor, he got the look and the sexy body too.



 Iyanya, is no doubt one of the sexiest celeb in naija,his hot body is his charm he uses for the ladies,iyanya who was reportedly dating ghollywood actress yvonne nelson is indeed very sexy..


D’banj happens to be one of the top earners in Africa Music world, the music star DBANJ who is sign to good music record label own and manage by US top stay kenya west,DBANJ aka the KOKO MASTER  has being keeping his female fans going with is hot looks on stage.


Ikechukwu is a Nigerian rapper, though he has been away for a while now,but you cant take him away from this list..


Jim is one of the most handsome guys in Nollywood, he made the list because he’s charming and he is the nollywood bad boy who is now a repented christian..

Who among them is the hottest??

Comedian Julius Agwu a father again

Abuja - Comedian Julius Agwu has welcomed his second child with his wife Ibiera into the world last weekend.

The baby boy is named Zadok Chibuike and is the couple’s second child, Nigeria Entertainment Today reports.

The boy was born in Houston, Texas and is the younger brother of four-year-old Zahra.

Read more at Nigeria Entertainment Today.

Meet the new Gulder Ultimate Search contestants

Contestants from different parts of Nigeria have made it to the top 12 to participate in Gulder Ultimate Search season 10 – The 10th Symbol.

This year's edition of the GUS, hosted by Nollywood actor Chidi Mokeme takes place in the Utaka forest, Obot Akara in the local government area of Akwa Ibom state.

The contestants include:

Etido Ema Ebong

Ema is a 21-year-old 300-level student of History and International studies at the University of Uyo who hails from Ikot Ekpene local government area of Akwa Ibom State. Ema loves children and would love to establish a platform that would help children actualise their dreams in future. According to her, her strategy for winning the contest is to stay unnoticed.

Ijeh Peter O

Peter is a 27-year-old graduate of Microbiology from Igbinedion University, Okada. He hails from Delta State and his goal in life is to become Africa's biggest movie director, telling interesting stories about Africa through movies.

Onike Ifunanya

A graduate of Economics from the University of Nsukka, 21-year-old Onike hails from Anambra State, but resides in Kaduna. She says her personality can be likened to that of an eagle and she has a dream of becoming the biggest business mogul in Africa by owning the biggest fast food chain in the world.

Okike Dennis

Okike is a 29-year-old graduate of Electronics Engineering from the University of Nigeria Nsukka. He is from Abia State, has a passion for cars and intends to establish a successful international import and export business.

Halima Sheidu O

Halima holds a Masters Degree in History and International Relations, hails from Kogi State and is only the second contender from Kogi since the GUS began. Her dream is to become a world-renowned researcher.

Ezidi Nzube Bobby

He says his motto for the GUS contest is "win first, make friends later." This 23-year-old law graduate from the University of Abuja hails from Anambra State and also plans to become a senator in Nigeria.

Edmond Chukwubuike

Although he tried last year but couldn't make the selections, Edmond got his wish this year. A 27-year-old medical doctor from Enugu state, he has a tall dream of becoming the first Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), and is the current Mr. Tourism of Edo state.

Adeboye Mary

Mary is a 21-year-old graduate of Public Administration from the University of Abuja. She hails from Edo state and claims to possess unmatchable endurance and fitness abilities. Along with her sister, she will become the first ever twin on the show.

Adeboye Martha

The other half of the twin pairing, she is Mary's sister. She is a 300-level student of Theatre Arts at the University of Abuja, she loves children and would love to establish an NGO to cater for abandon children in future.

Anthony Brosu

Anthony is a 29-year-old graduate of Animal Production Technology from Federal University of Technology, Niger State who hails from Delta State. His dream is to establish a farm big enough to feed the entire Nigerian population and to also create employment opportunities.

Tracy Chapele

A graduate of English and Literature from the University of Benin, Tracy is 25 years old and is currently a broadcaster. She describes herself as a "blend of infectious spontaneity and pragmatism."

Salako Olukunle

From Ogbomoso, Oyo state, Salako is a 24-year-old graduate of Geography with Meteorology from Federal University of Technology, Minna. His desire is to come up with a solution for the environmental degradation in Nigeria especially in the oil producing areas.

The Gulder Ultimate Search show would commence airing on Friday, October 4 and daily highlights of show would be broadcasted on national, terrestrial and satellite TV stations from October 4 through October 31, 2013.

World's oldest cinema to reopen

The world's oldest cinema "L'Eden" in La Ciotat, southern France will open to public after a revamp. (Anne-Christine Poujoulat, AFP)
La Ciotat - The world's oldest movie theatre, where the first films of the pioneering Lumiere brothers were screened in 1899, reopens in a sleepy southern French town on Wednesday after an extensive facelift.
Gleaming, velvet seats replace dusty chairs, fresh yellow paint and mosaic tiles adorn the façade while oak floors take the place of old carpets... The Eden Theatre, which closed in 1995, is all set for an inaugural gala event.
Actresses Juliette Binoche and Nathalie Baye, and film director Roman Polanski, are reportedly among the stars expected to attend Wednesday's ceremony at the seafront theatre in La Ciotat, a town near the sprawling port city of Marseille.
It was at Eden that the Lumiere brothers, Auguste and Louis, screened their first moving pictures to 250 dazzled spectators on 21 March 1899.
The theatre was then owned by Raoul Gallaud, a friend of the brothers' father Antoine Lumiere - a rich industrialist.
Over the decades, the Eden became both a cinema and theatre, and several French film stars such as Yves Montand and Fernandel performed there in the early days of their careers.
But it hit bad times in the 1980s when the then owner was killed by crooks trying to steal his money, and movie buffs just stopped going.
After that, the building opened only for one week every year to host a festival showcasing the first ever French-language movies, until its closure in 1995.
But supporters of this old, historic monument never gave up their fight to get it reopened, and it was not until Marseille was named European Capital of Culture for 2013 that local authorities finally agreed to renovations that cost €6m.
The Eden will operate as a normal cinema run by a private operator, and visitors will also be able to wander through a permanent exhibition outlining the origins of animated pictures.
Outside, the facade will be adorned with a laser installation at night depicting a train, to mark the 50-second-long film A train arriving at La Ciotat station filmed by the Lumiere brothers in 1895.
The challenge, though, will be to make the 166-seat theatre economically viable, and fans of the theatre believe it should be a larger cultural project that offers educational tours for school children, screens restored films and hosts film festivals.

David and Victoria sell Beckingham Palace

David and Victoria Beckham have sold Beckingham Palace and a fleet of cars as they look to buy a new £45m mansion.
The superstar couple raised their sons Brooklyn, 14, Romeo, 11, and Cruz, eight, at the home, and it is said the retired soccer legend is "desperately sad" to move on.
An insider told The Sun on Sunday newspaper: "David in particular was desperately sad to sell the family home as there are so many memories.
"They have had years of happiness in the home, but practically now there is no need to keep it. It's the beginning of a new era for the family."
The home and several cars have been sold for £12m as the couple look to raise their family - including two-year-old daughter Harper - in London and take them to Los Angeles for the school holidays.
The source said: "The Beckhams love both England and LA. They want the Californian sunshine for the kids but the education system of the UK - so they're getting the best of both worlds.
"It's an exciting time for the Beckhams as they enter a new chapter of family life."

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ensuring a heart disease-free future generation

The 2013 World Heart Day focuses on life-course approach to the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), especially in women and children.
The United Nations in 2000 set aside the last Sunday in September as the World Heart Day to sensitise the international community that heart diseases are the world’s leading causes of death.
Experts note that the theme for this year’s event:  "Take the road to a healthy heart’’ is informed by the fact that healthy children grow to be healthy adults, and healthy adults develop to healthy families and communities.
They describe the theme as apt, as the World Health Organisation (WHO) records show that more than 17 million people die of CVDs, particularly heart attacks and strokes annually.
These records have also informed the concern of some stakeholders to float complementary heart disease awareness outfits to ensure the eradication of CVDs.

For instance, the Kanu Heart Foundation, a non-governmental organisation, is committed to save the lives of children by offering free open heart surgeries.
Phil Okoroafor, Project Consultant, Kanu Cardiac Centre, says the rising incidence of heart diseases among children in Nigeria has become an issue of great concern.
According to her, there are more than 1,000 patients presently on the foundation’s waiting list.
In an effort to guarantee a CVDs-free future generation, the WHO initiated the Global Action Plan on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) from 2013 to 2025.
This plan aims to prevent the burden of heart diseases by targeting 25 per cent reduction in CVDs deaths by 2025.
It is against this backdrop that the World Heart Day is aimed to encourage all, particularly youths, to pursue health-friendly habits and to sensitise people about CVDs.
However, governments at all levels are required to assist children born with heart diseases by providing them access to medical care.
Dr Kingsley Osagie, a pulmonologist at the National Hospital, Abuja, says that children can acquire heart diseases from birth, adding that hypertension occurs in children.
"The heart may not have a problem of its own, but because the child has infiltration of some substances into the heart, the heart becomes weak leading to heart disease."
Osagie adds that a combination of habits of some mothers during pregnancy and the environment can cause congenital heart diseases.
"Like mothers who smoke, who take excessive alcohol, un-prescribed drugs and herbal preparations, predispose these unborn babies to heart diseases.
"For the pregnant mother, the environment is very important; don’t say you are not smoking and you live in an area that is prone to smoke or fumes  or  you use fire wood or cook inside your room,’’ he warns.
Osagie adds that government has a role to play in helping children born with heart diseases to access medical care so they can also have a chance to live.
Dr Iretiola Babaniyi, a paediatrician at the National Hospital, Abuja, says that congenital heart diseases can arise from abnormal structures of the heart and great vessels or due to obstruction of blood flow through the heart and the vessels.
"Congenital heart diseases,’’ she notes, "occur at the formation stage in the womb, especially if there was a defect in the chromosomes; that can lead to a hole in any of the chambers of the heart.’’
For a CVDs-free future generation, Babaniyi urges stakeholders to complement the efforts of WHO at eradicating heart-related diseases.
She advises expectant mothers to abstain from taking traditional herbs to avoid the risk of having babies with congenital heart diseases.
But Dr Ikenna Nwokoye, also a paediatrician, notes that children can also acquire heart diseases from the environment between five years and 15 years.
He adds that genetic factors also affect the heart of babies, saying "if one or two family members have heart diseases, it is likely for the baby to have the disease.’’
According to him, exposure to radiation by pregnant women is a major cause of heart diseases in children.
"Undue and prolonged exposure to radiation is one of the factors that cause heart diseases in children; so too much exposure to radiation such as X-ray should be avoided,’’ he advises.
Nwokoye says that illness during pregnancy may also affect a baby’s heart in the womb, especially among pregnant women with uncontrolled diabetes.
For prevention, experts say expectant mothers should avoid smoking, reduce or stop alcohol intake.
"For those who have a family history of heart disease, we usually advice them to screen early to determine if the unborn baby has congenital heart disease.
"At that point in time you can decide whether the pregnancy should be allowed to progress,’’ Osagie observes.
Osagie also says that treatment for congenital heart disease depends on clinical manifestations in patients which may either be severe or mild.
He notes that those with mild heart diseases could be controlled to enable the child live a normal life, while severe cases will require either palliatives or open heart surgery.
According to him, if a child pants heavily or becomes breathless after playing, means the child must seek medical help to rule out congenital  heart diseases because the earlier the diagnosis, the better.
Osagie, however, says there is hope for children with hole in their heart, adding that a successful open heart surgery can help the child live a normal life.
Stakeholders insist that irrespective of the awareness arising from the World Heart Day celebration, women should ensure that their children are protected from congenital heart diseases for a healthier future.

10 ways to be a positive person

 In life, we have many different kinds of experiences – good and bad, and it's up to us to create our own experience of the various situations we find ourselves in. This is why it's important to have a positive mindset, to make it our intention to live life positively each day.

To live a positive life you need to create positive habits so that you are able to focus on what truly matters. Here are ten simple ways to inspire you to do just that:

1. Celebrate being alive

Live your life as if you are the most fortunate person! All you have to do is make it your intention to remind yourself how fortunate you are and to apply it to everything you do. It really is as simple as changing your mindset.

2. Become aware of your thoughts

When you consciously become aware of your thoughts it's easy to spot the negative ones. Make it your intention to replace them with positive thoughts. You might be thinking that it is easier said than done, but with lots of mindful practice it will become second nature.

3. Stop comparing yourself to others

We often feel down and out when we start comparing ourselves to others. Remember, it's all relative - you don't know the journey of another person – you don't know what they are going through. Respect and accept it for what it is, but most of all, accept yourself as you are because you are amazing.

4. Surround yourself with positive people

Positive people are contagious! Get out there and mingle with them. The technologies of today are also making it possible to connect with positive people from all over the world through social networks, blogs and websites. Subscribe to motivational newsletters, read articles, and bask in others' positivity!

5. Stop complaining, take responsibility, and smile more

When you find yourself complaining, it means you are not taking responsibility. If you want something done, just do it! But remember to do it with a smile.

6. Focus on what you have, not on what you don't have

As the saying goes, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer”. When you focus on abundance, more will be given unto you. You will attract more into your life by focusing on what you have, and in so doing, the universe will give you more of it.

7. See failure as a stepping stone to success

Failing at something doesn't mean it is the end of the world. Embrace the failure and know that a few weeks, months, or years from now this will become an inspirational story to tell others one day when you have achieved your success! Also remember that failure could mean the birth of something new, and better for your journey.

8. Be grateful for the things you already have

When you feel grateful for the little things, you will instantly feel shift in your mood. When you wake up, start counting all your blessings, no matter how small – be it the toothpaste so you could brush your teeth, the bread on your table, or even the mere fact that you have a table to put your bread on! Remember, you are fortunate – someone  else doesn't have these little luxuries. Don't take anything for granted. You are lucky.

9. Stop allowing criticism from others to get you down

When someone compliments us, we don't remember it. When they criticise us, we have sleepless nights trying to figure out how we can fix it! Accept that it is just one person's opinion – take what you need, and move on. Don't allow it to control you otherwise you'll just end up losing getting yourself down and it's just not worth it.

10. Realize that you have a choice to be positive today

It's a simple intention you set for yourself each day. When you open your eyes in the morning, make it your intention to say "Today is a great day!".

Remember, it's up to you to create our own experience.

Women have longer life span than men, says cardiologist

Women naturally have a longer life span than men due to their genetic makeup, Dr Hussaini Munir, a cardiologist with the State House Medical Centre, has said.
Munir said this in a paper entitled; ‘Sudden Death in Athletes’, as part of activities to mark the World Physical Therapy Day in Abuja on Friday.
"Men generally are more exposed to dangers than women, there are more men involved in physical activities than women. So if you follow the statistic, you will discover that men are more in number in terms of dying suddenly during exercise than women.

"Genetically, women have more viral and stress-resistant gene than men, which are resistant to diseases, more resistant to causes of death than men.
"We discover, based on studies that the commonest cause of sudden death is due to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; the second one is pulmonary artery heart disease; and all these can easily be seen on simple resting ECG.
"It is not expensive and available in most hospitals and it doesn’t take long and it is non evasive. It does not require any injection or anything.
"Within few seconds the ECG is done and from it a lot of things can be studied and be discovered.  Everybody, whether you are a sportsman or whether you are not a sportsman you must subject yourself to an ECG, at least once in a year. ``
The New Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the day is celebrated on Aug. 8 every year to raise awareness about the crucial contribution the profession makes to keep people well.
The Theme for this year’s celebration is ‘Movement for Health; Fit for the Future’.
Munir said that studies had shown that men were more affected by sudden death than women.
He said that the ‘X ‘gene in women was more resistant to stress and cardiac arrest leading to sudden death than the ‘Y’ gene in men.
Munir, however, advised the public from the age of 12, to do an Electrocardiogram (ECG) at least once a year in order to detect any abnormalities in the heart.
Dr Ogugua Osi-Ogbu, who represented the Chief Medical Director, National Hospital Abuja, said on the sideline of the occasion that routine physical activity helped to increase the life span of an individual.
Osi-Ogbu said that physical activity also helped to limit the risk of non-communicable diseases.
"We know that living a sedentary lifestyle puts you at risk of so many diseases; what we call non-communicable disease like hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol.
"So many studies have looked at different groups of people, those who engage in regular routine physical activity and those who do not, and we know that there is a higher prevalence of these non-communicable diseases than those who do not engage in physical activity.
"So, it is really essential that we all routinely participate in physical activity, make every opportunity that comes your way a chance for exercise. So if you need a file from the second floor, don’t use the elevator go up the stairs.
"We talk about knowing your numbers, what is your blood pressure, blood sugar, your body mass index these are all those numbers you must know.
"In addition, if possible how many paces do you take in a day; we talk about taking a 1000 paces in a day.  These are measures you can use to check how active you are on a daily basis and we know that routine physical activity translates to better health, better quality of life and eventually longevity.``
She advised physiotherapists to share whatever information learnt from the papers delivered with their colleagues to help to improve the lives of their patients. 

Gene discovery could lead to new types of HIV treatments

Scientists have identified a gene which they say may have the ability to prevent HIV, the virus that causes Aids, from spreading after it enters the body.
In an early-stage study in the journal Nature, researchers said the gene, called MX2, appears to play a key role in how HIV is controlled in human cells, so using it could lead to the development of new, less toxic treatments that harness the body's natural defences and mobilise them against the virus.
Although there are many more years of research ahead, Mike Malim, who co-led the research at King's College London, described the finding as "extremely exciting" and said it advanced scientists' understanding of how the HIV virus interacts with the immune system.
"Until now we knew very little about the MX2 gene, but now we recognise both its potent anti-viral function and a key point of vulnerability in the life cycle of HIV," he said in a statement about the study.
About 34 million people worldwide are infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes Aids -  the vast majority of them in poor and developing countries.
But while, particularly in wealthy nations, there are many effective drugs available that allow HIV patients to live long, healthy lives, they often have side-effects and drug resistance can become a problem with long-term use.
In this study, Malim and a team of researchers conducted experiments on human cells in the laboratory, introducing the HIV virus to two different cell lines - one in which the MX2 gene was "switched on" and in the other it was "silenced" - and then observing the effects.
Results of the study
They found that in the cells where MX2 was silenced, the Aids virus replicated and spread, while in the cells where it was switched on, the HIV was unable to replicate and produce new viruses to spread.
Malim said the findings suggest MX2 was a key player in establishing viral control in people with HIV, and that armed with this new knowledge, there were two possible routes for potential drug development using the gene.
"It may be possible to develop either a molecule that mimics the role of MX2 or a drug which activates the gene's natural capabilities," he said.

5 tips to fight your belly

  There comes a day in many a man’s life when he finds himself standing in the shower, realising that he can’t see the bottom half of his body past his bulging midriff.

A beer belly, though not always caused by excessive beer consumption, frequently catches men by surprise: as we get older, less physically active and our metabolism changes, extra fat tends to accumulate into a less-than-attractive protruding potbelly.

But tummy fat doesn’t just mess with your good looks, it also comes with considerable medical dangers, including an increased risk of:

  •     heart disease
  •     high blood pressure
  •     raised cholesterol
  •     cancer
  •     diabetes
  •     heartburn
  •     dementia
  •     stroke
  •     sleep apnoea
  •     gall bladder problems

All of these should provide sufficient motivation for you to want to get rid of your extra-sized gut. The good news is that with a bit of determination and time you can do just that. Here are five top tips to help you fight and win the battle of the bulge.

1. Drink in moderation

Beer might be a lot of fun, but it also contains loads of empty kilojoules. The alcohol and sugar in beer tend to slow down your metabolism, resulting in a growth in stomach fat. To add to the beer drinker’s woes, the hops in your favourite brew contains an oestrogenic compound which can lead to hormonal imbalances and contribute to fat gain. Alcohol is known to be able to slow down your ability to burn fat by more than 30%.

Far be it from me to suggest that you should stop drinking beer and other alcoholic beverages altogether, but you should definitely consider moving to light beer and cutting down on your overall consumption if you want to see results in your waistline.

2. Cardiovascular and aerobic exercise

Before you start building muscles and toning your abs you need to get rid of the flab. The most effective way to lose fat all over your body, including your tummy, is by starting and sticking with a regular cardiovascular and aerobic exercise programme. Anything that will get your heart pumping, your blood flowing and your breath going will do: walking, swimming, running, cycling, soccer, tennis, squash, jumping rope, spinning, interval training, rowing… your options are endless.

Try to establish a 30-minute exercise plan three to five days a week. Weight loss exercises are only going to be effective if you make them a regular part of your life, so choose exercises that you actually enjoy doing. Keep it interesting and mix it up – you’re unlikely to stick with the programme if you end up doing the same old routine. You may want to find an exercise partner or even a group of people to keep you motivated.

Incorporate simple exercises into your everyday life by parking your car a bit further from the office in the morning, taking the stairs instead of the escalator or lift and going for a brisk walk at lunchtime.

3. Build your abs

Once you’re starting to lose weight around your middle as a result of your cardiovascular and aerobic programme, it’s time to include some abdominal strength exercises in your daily workout routine to strengthen and tone your stomach muscles. Think crunches, sit ups and the ab machine at the gym. While strength training is not effective at removing belly fat that is already there, it will help to prevent the accumulation of new, deep abdominal fat.

4. Improve your diet

All the exercise in the world isn’t going to get you a flatter tummy if you don’t combine it with a healthy and balanced diet and a reduced kilojoule intake. Rather than embarking on crash diets, make a concerted effort to permanently change your eating habits for the better. Here are some basic suggestions:

  •     reduce your portions – no need to feel bloated after every meal;
  •     drink 8 to 12 glasses of tap water, spread throughout the day to help your metabolism;
  •     cut down on sugary, fatty, fried and processed food (white bread, chips, pizza, fast food, cool drinks, chocolate bars, cake, etc.);
  •     eat more wholegrain cereals, breads and pastas;
  •     eat more raw and fresh fruit and vegetables;
  •     choose lean, low fat meats and grill or roast rather than fry them;
  •     eat five balanced, smaller meals through the day rather than three large ones – it’ll improve your metabolism; and
  •     eat more soluble fibre (unpeeled apples, oats, cherries, etc.).

5. Relax and give it time

Let’s not kid ourselves, loosing your beer belly and getting back into shape takes time, commitment and patience. Set yourself realistic goals and don’t panic if nothing seems to be happening after the first week. Regular exercise and a better diet do really work, but you need to stick to your programme to see results.

Make sure to take time out and relax on a regular basis. Stress has been shown to lead to hormonal imbalances, especially involving the hormone cortisol, which is released during stressful situations and appears to stimulate the storage of fat around the abdomen and stomach.

The science of heartbreak

Since you broke up, your stomach has felt like a hollow pit of emptiness, but you still can’t work up an appetite; your heart feels as if it’s clamped in a vice and you haven’t slept a wink all week. We’ve all been there before and there’s no question about it: losing the love of your life is a miserable experience. But it’s time to stop romanticising the past and agonising over what you’ve lost on the outside, because the real pain is coming from inside your head.

The brain hates being dumped. The same area that’s active when you’re in physical pain also goes haywire when you suffer personal rejection, says psychiatrist Dr Marcelle Stastny – evidence, she says, that your head is the one telling your body that being dumped hurts and not the other way around. When you’re in love, certain areas of your grey matter are awash in dopamine and oxytocin, hormones that give you feelings of pleasure and contentment, says Stastny.

But when your love is lost, so to speak, your supply of these natural feelgood chemicals dries up, leaving you more vulnerable to stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Under normal circumstances, your brain churns out cortisol, adrenaline and other stress hormones in response to a threatening experience. In limited quantities and the right context – like when an overtaking car nearly takes your bumper off on the freeway – these hormones help you react quickly to dangerous situations. The problem is that the organs responsible for producing them can’t always tell the difference between a stimulus that’s life threatening and a stimulus that’s emotionally threatening. What’s more, emotional threats like heartbreak tend to last longer than the physical variety.

As a result, these hormones accumulate and can become harmful to your health. An overabundance of cortisol, for instance, tells your brain to send more blood to your muscles, causing them to tense up for swift action. But you’re not running anywhere or hitting anything.

As a result, you’re plagued with swollen muscles that can cause headaches, a stiff neck and that awful squeezing sensation in your chest. Cortisol also diverts blood away from your digestive tract, leaving you with some serious gastrointestinal unpleasantness. And to make matters even worse, an overabundance of stress hormones can suppress your immune system, making you more vulnerable to infections – hence the all-too-common post relationship health meltdown.

The precise way your body will react to a break-up is similar to the way your body reacts to stress, says Stastny. So if you have a sensitive stomach, you could be prone to cramps, appetite loss or diarrhoea.

If you have asthma, you might reach for your pump more often as stress hormones send your bronchial tubes into overdrive. And if you happen to have an addictive personality, you may feel as shaky as a heroin junkie in rehab because the area of your brain that processes cravings and addictions is also activated by emotional loss, according to recent research by the US Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

How to deal with heartbreak

The good news: although you may feel emotionally trampled for a while still, you can do something to ease your physical pain – and we don’t mean late-night clubbing, pizza binges or other indulgences.

Instead, try de-stressing herbal remedies like kava-kava and a good B-vitamin complex or, better yet, teach yourself some relaxation techniques like deep breathing to calm your nervous system. You can also curb those wild stress hormones by dragging yourself to gym for some aerobic exercise, Stastny advises. Working out prompts your brain to release uplifting endorphins.

And take a friend with you: camaraderie can induce a much-needed boost in your dwindling oxytocin levels. “One thing you should avoid doing is locking yourself in your room and hiding from the world,” says South Africa-based psychologist Mark Connelly. “Turning into a hermit will only make things worse.” He advises getting back into some of your favourite pastimes and activities, since doing anything enjoyable can help rev your brain’s dopamine system. If you can’t dissociate your old passions from time spent doing things with your ex, take it as an opportunity to try something new: take a drawing class or join a jogging group – you’ll never bump into that lazy slug there. As Connelly says: “Whatever clears the mind could actually cure the body.”

Wallowing is one way we work through what went wrong… If theories of evolutionary psychology hold true, drawn-out pity parties began as a defence mechanism that kept our female ancestors from exposing themselves to further hurt by jumping into the next Neanderthal’s cave too quickly. Since then, wallowing has also become a tool we use to keep love alive – in our minds, at least. Sifting through old photos makes you feel linked to your ex, even if you no longer see him. And gorging on sad, heartbreak-heavy movies and songs makes you feel understood and not so alone. “one benefit of self-pity is that when you wallow, you tend to go over (and over)what you’ve done well – and what you could have done differently,” says South Africa-based psychologist Mark Connelly. “And that could prepare you to handle things better in your next relationship.”

Why we cry

The biology behind it: Crying is healthy. When we’re severely overwhelmed, we can’t help but weep, says neuropsychologist Dr Jodi de Luca. Our bodies use crying to defuse bottled-up stress that can wreak havoc on our immune systems.

Tears Attract Kindness

It’s likely that human tears evolved so we could send out a clear non-verbal message: I need attention! So, De Luca says, “They elicit a sympathetic response in others.”

It’s A Girl Thing

Young males and females cry roughly the same amount, but one biological reason grown women cry more than men: after puberty, women’s bodies contain much more of the hormone prolactin, which is a main ingredient of emotional tears. So, experts infer, women are able to form and shed tears at a much faster and more frequent rate.

This story originally appeared on womenshealthsa.co.za – visit the site to read the full version.

DISGUSTING; University L*sbians Fighting Over Another Lady(SEE VIDEO ON WHAT HAPPENED)

Immorality rate is increasing at a speed of light, no one cares about what happens to them, all for the money. This video really shows the dirty stuffs going on in unilag; You are free to drop a comment after watching;

US man immune to snake bites after being bitten 100 times

Lagos – A US man has subjected himself to over 100 snake bites and injections in order to build up an immunity to snake venom, Mirror reports.

Tim Freide has recently released pictures of him being bitten by a water cobra and surviving. He also claims to have been bitten by a black mamba, which is one of the most deadly snakes and usually kills people within 20 minutes.

Freide claims that he is putting himself through these ordeals so that he might be able to create anti-venoms for those in third world countries.

Read more at Mirror

57 Year-Old Woman Delivers Twins After 31 Years Of Childlessness

If you have not seen or heard of a miracle, this is a typical example. A 57 year-old teacher, Mrs Anike Ajayi, on Monday gave birth to twins after 31 years of childlessness in Ekiti. She described the delivery as a `miracle’, saying she gave birth to a boy and a girl after she had stopped her menstrual circle. Since 1982, when Anike Ajay got married, she couldn't conceive. “I thank God for what He has done in my life. “Many people had mocked me over the years, but I thank God that He finally answer my prayers,” she said. The husband, Mr Olu Ajayi, 65, was very happy and said that the babies were to console him for the years of barrenness as tears of joy flow down his eyes.

Girl Makes Boyfriend Kneel On Street While She Slaps Him Repeatedly

So interesting for a sweet relationship. A Chinese woman has been ar*ested after forcing her boyfriend to kneel in the street and repeatedly slapping him around the face. The as*ault happened in the Kowloon City area of Hong Kong, after Chui, the boyfriend, took a girl to his flat despite the fact he was going out with Cheng, the slapper. Cheng got to find out and made her boyfriend kneel on the pavement in full view of passers-by. When he insisted he had not asked the girl to come to his flat, saying: 'Listen to me first before beating me', Cheng started slapping Chui across the face as he screamed, 'You're sl*ndering me!', and urged the other girl to corroborate his story..
 A crowd of onlookers gathered and started filming the scene, which has since been posted on YouTube. As other bystanders started to intervene in the love quarrel, Cheng shouted, 'None of your business!' Most witnesses took Chui's side, with one woman telling him: 'Stand up, ditch this ugly girl, you deserve better.' One passer-by called the police, leading to Cheng's a*rest. The 20-year-old woman, named Cheng, was later a*rested on suspicion of common assault, while the victim, 23-year-old Chui, was taken to hospital for treatment. Atypical Naija guy will not allow that, even when caught red handed, committing the act.

Hoddle tells England to forget about winning 2014 World Cup

2014 FIFA World Cup (Fifa.com)
London - Glenn Hoddle has said England should set aside any thoughts of winning next year's World Cup in Brazil.
Former England manager Hoddle was unveiled on Wednesday as a member of a Football Association commission designed to improve the fortunes of the national side.
"It is unrealistic for England to think they can go and win the World Cup in Brazil," Hoddle told BBC Sport.
"Let's first qualify, then get the youngsters experiencing a tournament in Brazil so that in two years' time we can have a real go at the Euros," added the 55-year-old, himself a former England midfielder.
Only around 30 percent of the players currently playing in the English top flight are eligible for selection by England coach Roy Hodgson.
Since winning the 1966 World Cup as hosts, England have only reached the semi-finals of two major tournaments and the commission will investigate the reasons for their recent failings.
England have yet to book their place at the 2014 finals in Brazil although they will assure themselves of a spot if they win their final two qualifiers, both at Wembley, against Montenegro on Friday and Poland on Tuesday.
Hoddle was in charge of England from 1996 to 1999 and took them to the second phase of the 1998 World Cup in France before the team lost on penalties to Argentina in a match where David Beckham was sent off.
However, he was sacked as England manager after giving a newspaper interview in which he was quoted as saying disabled people were "being punished for sins in a former life".

AM BACK; Mercy Johnson Okojie Sheds Pregnancy Weight

Nollywood actress Mercy Johnson, who put to bed few months back and then gain much weight due to her pregnancy has now surprised her fans, with a drastic lost of weight. The new mum new look Mercy Johnson Okojie is back to her normal shape. SEE PHOTO BELOW;

Man Cries For Help After Wife Delivers Quadruplets(PHOTOS)


Babies are suppose to be good gifts from God, but sometimes they make the people who are given the free gift to cry and scream. Independence celebrations on October 1 was for Lagos driver, Kehinde Tijani, and his wife Grace, a day to celebrate the arrival of four babies in addition to the three they already had. Grace was delivered of a set of quadruplets at Lagos University Teaching Hospital, LUTH, Idi-Araba, Lagos. Like most men have done in the past when blessed with such gift in their financial state, Tijani did not abscond, but stood by his wife. Kehinde, a driver and Grace, a small-time caterer were already living from hand to mouth before the blessing of the newborns. They now have seven children to cater for. They could barely feed the three they had. The family who presently resides in a rented one-room apartment at Ajangbandi in Okokomaiko, Lagos, expressed gratitude to God for the gift of children, but expressed sadness and fear of an uncertain future occasioned by poverty and hardship..

 Kehinde, who hails from Oyo State, said he needs financial assistance to take care of his wife and children. “I need help. I am a driver. I started driving someone last year and my monthly salary is so meager I can hardly feed three children not to talk of seven. “I need help please. I want the government and other people, who can, to come to my aid. I don’t have money, I don’t have a house. I need about N1 million to take care of the medical bills of the children and their mother. “My wife had two Caesarian Sections and since the birth of the babies last week they have been in an incubator. Also, with the arrival of the quadruplets, we need better accommodation for the children,” Kehinde said. The mother of the quadruplets, Grace, while speaking on the birth of her babies said: “When I discovered that I wasn’t feeling too well, I went to a private hospital, where they asked me to undergo scan. “After the scan, they told me that I had fibroid. 

Then I came to LUTH and after several tests and a scan, it was revealed that I was pregnant with five babies. “On hearing the news, I got really scared and depressed because of our hard condition. Later, I had a partial miscarriage of one of the fetus because of the fear and depression. “I have been in the hospital since July. That was three months before I delivered, because of my health conditions. All through this period, my husband had to struggle to make ends meet. “Things have been difficult as he only earns N30,000 monthly, and we had three children before the arrival of these four.” Grace from Delta state, said she has no history of multiple birth in her family.

 She said: “I have been married for 10 years now. It is only my husband who is a twin. How can I take care of four babies at the same time? “Please help us. The babies, three girls and a boy, have been placed in the incubator. “The first baby girl weighed about 1.65kg, the second girl, 1.50kg, third girl 1.6Kg. The only boy tipped the scales at 1.45kg.” Spokesperson for LUTH, Mrs Hope Nwawolo said the babies are in good health and are medically stable. Please we should all render the little we can to assist these beautiful gifts from God