Monday, September 30, 2013


Just Like the Eagle,
You’ll fly Like Gold,
You will be Valued Like the Sun,
You shall shine bright Like the river,
You shall flow unlimited Like the Palm Tree,
You shall Flourish and like Money, You shall be Useful
Happy New Month …

NDLEA Discovers 600-Acre Hemp Farm In Ekiti

Nigeria’s National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) on Friday discovered a 600-acre hemp farm at Ode-Ekiti in the Gbonyin Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
Speaking to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ado-Ekiti, Commandant of the NDLEA in Ekiti, Mr Dele Akingbade said the hemp farm was the largest individually-owned hemp farm in Ekiti.
According to him, the cost of the hemp farm was too huge to be determined immediately. He described the discovery of the farm as one of the `biggest feats’ of the agency in the state.
Akingbade said the agency made the discovery on a vast expanse of land on July 24, following a tip-off by concerned members of the public.
The NDLEA chief said that four suspects in the matter, all men, were arrested while working on the farm.
He said that the suspects, who confessed to being labourers, disclosed that the owner of the farm paid them N1,000 per day as wage.
Akingbade said that the agency had been making efforts to arrest the owner of the farm through a 24-hour surveillance mounted by men of the agency.
He said that the suspects, who were still in the agency’s custody, would be prosecuted soon.
The commandant said that the size of the farm has drawn international attention, as officials of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime from Vienna had visited the farm.

Blackberry Maker Set To Launch BBM For PC [See Pics]

BlackBerry was slated to launch BBM for Android and iOS last weekend. But as if the Waterloo-based smartphone pioneer hasn't faced enough challenges recently, its launch was a massive flop.

"Last week, an unreleased, older version of the BBM for Android app was posted on numerous file sharing sites. This older version resulted in volumes of data traffic orders of magnitude higher than normal for each active user and impacted the system in abnormal ways," Andrew Bocking, the executive vice president of BBM, explained of the mishap on BlackBerry's blog. "The version we were planning to release on Saturday addressed these issues, however we could not block users of the unreleased version if we went ahead with the launch."

Despite this fail—which has yet to be resolved—BlackBerry still decided to show off BBM for Desktop during its BlackBerry Jam Asia 2013. In Hong Kong, Chris Smith, VP of Application Platform at BlackBerry, demonstrated on a Windows PC what BBM will look like for the desktop.

The brief demo was not accompanied with any sort of release date.

It's also been widely rumoured that a BBM for Mac app is also in the works; again, however, details remain scarce

Olawale Ojo Wins MTN Project Fame Season 6

MTN Project Fame contestant Olawale Ojo has just beaten five other contestants to emerge this season's winner!
Big congrats to him.
MTN Project Fame producers had increased the prizes for this season from N5m (instead of N2.5m) plus an SUV and a recording contract for the winner,
  • the 1st runner up will get N3m (instead of N1.5m) plus a 2013 sedan car,
  • the 2nd runner up will get N2m (instead of N1m) and a saloon car,
  • the 3rd runner up gets N2m cash (instead of N1m).
Immaculate turned out to be the first runner-up.
  • With Margaret as Second runner up
  • Third runner up – Niniola 
  • Fourth runner up – Omolayo 
  • Fifth runner up – Roland

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Boko Haram Attacks Students Again! Kills Over 50 Students At Yobe State College Of Agriculture

Gunmen suspected to be members of the dreaded Boko Haram sect struck Yobe State College of Agriculture in the early hours of Sunday today, killing at least 50 students of College of Agriculture, Gujba.
The bodies of the victims are currently being picked from bush and hostels, where the gunmen shot the harmless students. Injured students were moved to Damaturu Specialist Hospital. While surviving students have fled the College.

Reports say the Islamic extremists attacked the students in the dead of night, gunning down dozens of students as they slept in dormitories and torching classrooms in an ongoing Islamic uprising in northeast Nigeria.
According to the school's provost:

"They attacked our students while they were sleeping in their hostels, they opened fire at them," he said.

Most schools in the area had closed after militants on July 6 killed 29 pupils and a teacher, burning some alive in their hostels, at Mamudo outside Damaturu.
But the state commissioner for Education, Mohammmed Lamin, called a news conference two weeks ago urging all schools to reopen and promising protection from soldiers and police

See A Graphic Photo Of The Yobe College Of Agriculture Students Boo Haram Killed Today

Dear Lord, when is all this going to end?
This is terrible!!
May their souls rest in perfect peace.
Picture is courtesy ChannelsTV.

Monday, September 23, 2013


This is to inform Students of tertiary institutions for the Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) accredited disciplines that fully participated in the Scheme that the Industrial Training Fund (ITF) has paid their approved allowances.
The allowances of the under-listed students were, however, returned by the banks owing to incorrect Account details. 
The affected students are, therefore, requested to re-submit their correct e-payment particulars to their respective schools or to the nearest Industrial Training Fund Area Office.
In addition, Students who participated fully in the Scheme but have not been paid should submit their bank details to enable ITF settle outstanding allowances due to them.
The e-payment details required are:
  • Name of Bank
  • Account Name
  • Account Number (10 Digits)
  • Bank Sort Code (9 Digits)
  • Year of Attachment and Matriculation Number
  • Name of Institution and Course of study
The above information should be submitted to the nearest ITF Area Office Nationwide on or before 30th September, 2013 and copy the following e-mails or

Amnesty: Release Zambian men arrested over alleged homosexual acts

Philip Mubiana (covering his face) and James Mwape (left) arrive at the Kapiri magistrate court on May 8, 2013 in Lusaka.
Philip Mubiana (covering his face) and James Mwape (left) arrive at the Kapiri magistrate court on May 8, 2013 in Lusaka.
  • Authorities subject them to anal examinations without their consent, a rights group says
  • Amnesty International: It was the second detention for the two men
  • Homosexuality is illegal in most African countries
-- Amnesty International is calling on Zambia to release two men who have been in jail since May on charges of engaging in homosexual acts "against the order of nature."
James Mwansa and Philip Mubiana, both 22, will appear in court Monday for a judge to decide if they should be detained longer.
"It is high time that individuals stopped being persecuted because of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity. Human rights are about the dignity and equality of all people," said Simeon Mawanza, Amnesty International's Zambia researcher.
The pair was arrested after a neighbor reported them to the police, according to Amnesty International.
Authorities subjected them to anal examinations without their consent and forced them to confess, the human rights group said.
"Anal examinations conducted to 'prove' same-sex conduct are scientifically invalid, and if they were conducted without the men's consent, contravene the absolute prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment under international law," said Simeon Mawanza, an Amnesty researcher in Zambia.
It was the second detention for the two men in recent days, the group said. On April 25, authorities arrested them, and later released them on bail on May 2.
They were arrested again just four days later after a neighbor went to the police, according to Amnesty. Both have pleaded not guilty.
Zambian officials were not immediately available for comment.
Homosexuality is illegal in Zambia and most African countries based on remnants of sodomy laws introduced during the British colonial era and perpetuated by cultural beliefs.
Punishments across the continent range from fines to years in prison.
Last year, a Cameroon appeals court upheld a three-year sentence against a man convicted of homosexuality for texting his male friend to say, "I'm very much in love with you."
South Africa -- one of the more progressive nations in the continent on the issue -- was the first African country to impose a constitutional ban on discrimination based on sexual orientation.
But sexual violence against lesbians has become so common in South Africa, the nation has coined the term "corrective rape" to describe it.
A handful of other nations issue a death penalty for consensual same-sex relations, including Saudi Arabia and Iran, according to the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association.

Kenya says mall siege nearly over

The government reports that a major operation has freed most of the hostages at the shopping mall in Nairobi, where a terrorist attack left at least 68 dead

Kenya mall siege nearly over, authorities say
An angry crowd of bystanders appeals to Kenyan police outside the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. Some outside the mall were angry over how long the police and military operation was taking. "Why can't the police and army just go in and shoot these people?" one man said.
NAIROBI, Kenya — Security forces launched what they called a final assault late Sunday against Somali militants holed up in a high-end shopping mall, claiming they had freed most of the hostages being held by the gunmen and seized control of much of the building.
Military and police helicopters circled low over the multi-story Westgate Mall and gunfire rang out throughout the day. As darkness fell, beginning the second night of the siege, a large explosion shook the area.
The Kenya National Disaster Operation Center said a major operation was unfolding to end the terrorist attack that killed at least 68 people and injured 175.
"This will end tonight," it declared. "Our forces will prevail. Kenyans are standing against aggression and we will win."
A military spokesman reported on Twitter that by 11 p.m., "most of the hostages have been rescued and security forces have taken control of most parts of the building." But officials did not say how many hostages had been freed, and offered little information about their condition. They also did not detail the fate of the captors. The military spokesman told the BBC late Sunday that perhaps 10 hostages were still being held.
As the night wore on, no gunfire could be heard from outside the mall. The spokesman said on Twitter that four Kenyan soldiers had been wounded.
"All efforts are underway to bring this matter to a speedy conclusion," the spokesman said.
Among the dead were three Britons, two French, two Canadians, a Chinese citizen, a Dutch citizen and renowned Ghanaian poet Kofi Awoonor. U.S. officials said a number of Americans were at the mall at the time of the attack, and four were wounded.
President Uhuru Kenyatta told reporters that his nephew and his nephew's fiancee were both killed in the Westgate Mall.
"These are young, lovely people who I personally knew and loved," he said. "No one should lose their lives so needlessly and so senselessly and no family should have to receive news that their loved one has been killed by a criminal bunch of cowards."
But he said it was remarkable that 1,000 people got out alive.
Several people managed to escape Sunday, including one who had hidden under a car in the basement, and another who lay concealed under supermarket shopping trolleys.
The assault, which began around noon Saturday, was carried out by between 10 and 15 attackers, by some estimates. It left Kenyans dazed and fearful of future attacks. But they expressed unity on social media networks, tweeting under the hashtag #WeAreOne. Hundreds of people lined up, some for hours, to give blood. Many others donated money for the victims.
An unnamed spokesman for the Shabab, the militant group that claimed responsibility for the attack, told Britain's Channel 4 that the mall was singled out to inflict maximum pain for Kenyans and to gain maximum attention. The group said the attack was in revenge for Kenya's 2011 invasion of Somalia that was aimed at controlling the Islamic militants.
The Shabab, which is linked to Al Qaeda, warned foreigners to stay out of Kenya, calling it a war zone. "For us, anywhere in Kenya is the same. We will hit them wherever we can," the group's spokesman said.
Twitter accounts attributed to the Shabab were closed Saturday. A new account launched Sunday reported that the attackers included a number of Americans. However, analysts said they could not verify the account. A senior State Department official said the U.S. government could not confirm that Americans were involved, and was seeking more information.
The weekend attack is likely to have a devastating effect on Kenya's tourism industry, further damaging an economy that has weathered successive blows caused by terrorist attacks, kidnappings of Westerners and postelection violence in 2007 and 2008.
In a sign of how worried Kenyan authorities are about the potential blow to tourism, Kenyatta urged Western governments not to issue travel warnings advising people to avoid his country.
Some Kenyans were frustrated that security forces did not launch an assault sooner. Kenyatta had urged patience, saying the priority was to save hostages' lives.
One onlooker outside the mall, student James Mwangi, 19, said he would not leave until the operation was over, because he was desperately waiting for news about relatives stuck inside

Fresh Morning

Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn! Look to this Day! For it is Life, the very Life of Life. In its brief course lie all the Verities and Realities of your Existence. The Bliss of Growth, The Glory of Action, The Splendor of Beauty; For Yesterday is but a Dream, And To-morrow is only a Vision; But To-day well lived makes Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness, And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Signs You Have Cancer: How to Know If You Have Cancer

Cancer is one of the world’s deadliest diseases as it claims many lives globally on an annual basis. Even the developed nations of the world are not free from the menace of this disease, the exact cause of which remains a mystery. The best and most proven approach to cure cancer is to get it “arrested” in its earliest stages. In other words, early diagnosis of cancer is the best key to battling it whenever it manifests. This is because cancer treatment procedures are most effective at the earliest stages of the disease. However, there is no way by which you can defeat cancer in its earliest stages except you know those signs you have cancer. It is only when you can tell those signs you have cancer in your body that you can help yourself as soonest as possible. In this article some very vital points such as how cancer wrecks havoc in the body and how to know you have cancer are discussed.
Before we go into any further discussion, I will, for the sake of the layman define the two terms, “sign” and “symptom”. From experience, I have observed that most people do not really know the difference between these two words, even though they know that there is a difference. Some others, on the other hand erroneously think that these two words have the same meaning and can therefore be used interchangeably. The next two paragraphs shed more light on the main difference between a sign and a symptom.
By definition, a sign can best be simply put as an indication that something has gone abnormal in the body. In most cases, a sign is observed by another person, and not the person on whose body the sign manifests. So, signs of various abnormal conditions are more likely to be observed by your close ones such as members of your family and also competent professionals such as doctors, nurses and other professionals in the field of healthcare. For example, loss of interest, loss of appetite and isolation are signs of depression (which are not likely to be noticed by the depressed person).
On the other hand, a symptom can be defined also as an indication of disease or injury but is observed or felt only by the affected person. Unlike signs, symptoms are less likely to be felt by someone other than the affected person. For example, aches and fatigue are symptoms of depression (which are not likely to be felt by another person except the affected individual).
Cancer is a collective name for a group of deadly diseases which can affect virtually all tissues and organs of the body. These diseases bring about some signs and symptoms. However, the signs and symptoms manifested depend on the affected tissue or organ and also the degree of damage done (which increases as the disease progresses). Usually, most signs and symptoms are observed in and around the affected body tissue or organ. For example one of the signs you have blood cancer is a malformation of blood cells (more especially the white blood cells). Also, one of the common signs you have throat cancer is that you feel pain in your throat, especially while swallowing. Another typical example is when you have cancer of the mouth; one of the common signs you have cancer in mouth is the development of a painless lump on your lip.
Despite the fact that certain signs and symptoms are specific only to some types of cancer, there are many general signs and symptoms which are observable in virtually all types of cancer. These are discussed in the next couple of paragraphs.
Firstly, one of the very common general signs of cancer is unexplained weight loss. Do you observe that you are losing weight for no just cause (without placing yourself on a weight loss diet program or routine workouts)? If you have just noticed any recent weight loss of about 10 pounds or more, then that is just one of the earliest signs of cancer in general.
Fever is also one of the common symptoms of cancer. However, unlike unexplained weight loss, fever manifests as a symptom of cancer only after much damage has been done (when the disease has spread extensively from its origin to neighboring tissues and organs). So, if you do observe a persistent fever which would not subside even after medication, then, that may be a sign of cancer.
Also, fatigue is another symptom which is typical of cancer in general. Even though, it is more serious in leukemia (blood cancer) patients, it is a symptom typical of virtually all other types of cancer. Do you feel fatigued easily, regardless of whether or not you have engaged in rigorous activity? That may be a symptom of cancer, especially leukemia.
Other than skin cancer, most of the other forms of cancer also present skin-damaging symptoms. Such symptoms may include paleness of skin, yellowing of skin, reddening of skin, darkening of skin, itching on a specific area of skin or in its entirety. Other skin-related symptoms include excessive hair growth and whitening or formation of patches or blisters on skin.
As regards those symptoms which are restricted to the affected parts, some have been mentioned earlier. In addition to that however, there are some other symptoms which are felt only in affected body parts. Examples of these symptoms include:
  • Sores which do not heal (e.g. in cancer of the mouth, skin or any of the reproductive organs).
  • Unusual bleeding or abnormal discharge of fluid (e.g. in cancers of the uterus, endometrium, cervix, lungs and kidneys)
  • Hoarseness or nagging cough (e.g. in cancer of the mouth, trachea, thyroid gland or larynx)
  • Indigestion (e.g. in cancer of the stomach and colon)
  • Formation of lumps (e.g. in cancer of the breast, mouth and testicles.
It is highly important that you watch out for any of these signs and symptoms at all times. This is because an early detection of cancer will go a long way in facilitating its complete elimination. So, read over this article again and keep it for repeated reading as it contains invaluable information that may just help prolong your life!

Footballer Ronaldinho Pays $58,000 To Get His Teeth Fixed [Pics]

After years of refusing to fix his crooked teeth, saying his fans loved his trademark grin, 2-time FIFA World Player of the Year winner (2004/ 2005) Ronaldinho has changed his mind and finally gotten it fixed. The Brazilian football superstar paid $58,000 to have his teeth realigned, and gums altered.

Rohaldinho had the procedure at an orthodontic clinic in Brazil last month but the photos and video of the surgery were only released to the public two days ago.

Happy For you Ronaldodinho...

Manchester City Beats Manchester United on a 4 - 1 Ground [Read More]

This is a Total Disgrace as Manchester City Thrashes Manchester UTD on a 4 - 1 Win in Favour of the City.

With Sergio Aguero and Others on the Pitch, Manchester UTD Fans will surely value the Presence of Van Persie as he Missed out the Manchester Derby today.

Whats your Say on this??

#Up Manchester!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

  • Title: DJ Neptune - Best Of Olamide Mix
  • Uploaded on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013
  • Music Comment: => Less than 24hrs of releasing #MyBirthdayMix2 featuring D’Banj, #DJNeptune hits us with #MyBirthdayMix3 and this time around it’s the rave of the moment Mr. Durosoke Olamide aka Baddo Lee in the Mix. If you love Olamide, you love this mix from the International #DJNeptune..
  • Follow on Twitter: @deejayneptune

Funny But True Quote:- Have You Ever Wondered Why?

Have You Ever wondered :-
- Why "abbreviation" is such a long word ?
- Why doctors call what they do practice ?
- Why glue doesn't stick to its container?
- Why sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?
- Why we have freedom of speech and pay telephone bills ?
- Why Screw Driver doesn;t Need a Driving Licence to Drive?
- Why Adekunle Ciroma Chukwuma Keep Writing Waec Every Year?

Cristiano Ronaldo Becomes The Highest Paid Footballer In The World

The Portuguese sensation is thought to haveagreed a deal to become the highest-paid player in Spanish football after months of protracted negotiations.

Real Madrid have announced that Cristiano Ronaldo has signed a new contract with the club. The Portugal star has finally put pen-to-paper on fresh terms at Santiago Bernabeu, ending any lingering doubts as to his future at the club following months of speculation over the talks.

He signed Three years deal with Madrid On Sunday, with a net salary of €17 million per year. Will become Spain's highest- paid player earning more than Lionel Messi and new team-mate Gareth Bale

Download BBM For Android Demo Version & Ping

This is just a simple Blackberry Messenger leakage to all my Android users, I cant wait to see you ping me with your official BBM friends

The official BBM is said to be lunched on 21st of September but there is a leakage so far and you can download it to your device, rock with it until its officially
launched. Once you're succeeded in downloading this BBM on your Android device, you will only need to update it from Google Play on 21st of September 2013.

=> You must be running Android 4.0 and above
=> Internet connection

Where Can I Download BBM For My Android Phone?
=> Download it here @

=> Run and install the BBM app

=> Register and fill in your correct details such as Email, Password, First nam and Other Info.

=> You should receive a Mail in your Email Inbox, Click on the Verification Link and Enter your Password as Requested the Hit the Enter Button.

=> The BBM Setup can take sometimes to Finish Setting Up...

You're Good to Go.

You can Visit the BBM Apps and login with your email and password and then watch the wonders of bbm on Android.

Note:- It might take up to 24hrs or more to generate your Blackberry PIN. So just relax and keep pinging. It rocks real good

BBM For Android & iPhone Release Date Confirmed By Samsung

BlackBerry has confirmed the release date for BBM for Android and iOS. In a statement to the press BlackBerry outlined the release date for both platforms as well as some of the features we’ll see once the IM client goes live.

BBM for Android will get a release date on September 21 and the IM client will come to Apple’s iPhone on September 22.

“BBM is a very engaging messaging service that is simple to use, easy to personalize and has an immediacy that is necessary for mobile communications,” said Andrew Bocking, Executive Vice President for BBM at BlackBerry.

“With more than a billion Android, iOS, and BlackBerry smartphones in the market, and no dominant mobile messaging platform, this is absolutely the right time to bring BBM to Android and iPhone customers.”

BBM for iPhone and Android will initially include chat, photo and voice note sharing, multi-person chats with up to 30 people, and the ability to post status updates and personal messages. However, BlackBerry says the apps will get BBM Channels in a future updates. Although there's still no word on when it is coming to Windows Phone.

BlackBerry highlighted the following features of BBM inside the release:

BBM Chat – Enjoy real, immediate conversations with friends on Android, iPhone and BlackBerry smartphones. Not only does BBM let you know that your message has been delivered and read, it also shows you that your friend is responding to the message.

More than chat – With BBM you can share files on your phone such as photos and voice notes, all in an instant.

Keep your group in the loop – Multi-person chats are a great way to invite contacts to chat together. BBM Groups lets you invite up to 30 friends to chat together, and go a step further than multi-chat by sharing photos and schedules. And, with Broadcast Message, you can send a message out to all your BBM contacts at once.

Post Updates and stay in the know – BBM lets you post a personal message, profile picture and your current status, and lets your contacts know instantly in Updates.

Your unique PIN – Every BBM user has a unique PIN that maintains your privacy, so you don’t have to give out your phone number or email address to a new or casual contact.

And here's some pictures of what BBM for Android and iOS will look like:



Photo: Olokpa owambe.


You are dating married men
with kids and
1. you are the reason his wife sleeps late at night waiting for him to come home late
2.You are the reason his wife cries every night
3.You are the reason he does not come home to his family at all
4.You are the reason he does not take care of his family
5.You are the reason he does not eat at home anymore
6.You are the reason he has not touched his wife for months Nor give her the required attention!

Yet everyday and night, you
kneel down and pray to God to give you a faithful husband
when you are making another
woman's husband unfaithful.

You pray for a caring and loving man when you have succeeded in diverting the
LOVE and CARE of another woman's husband.
You pray for a good home when you are destroying another woman's home.

Ask yourself this question: "WITH THIS KIND OF ATTITUDE OF MINE, WILL GOD

To me I know my God does not grant selfish request and prayers, ( James 4:3)
"God said in His word that we
should do unto others, that which we will want them to do to us ( Matthew 7:12).

Wake up, wise up, grow up and say NO to sugar daddies,
do not be deceived by
money and material things, you have nothing to benefit, for everything is VANITY upon VANITY( Ecclesiastes 1:2).
THINK ABOUT THIS: There's no Material possesion That Can Equate The Wasted Years With Married Men!

Copied from THIS LIFE but edited!

Interesting Facts About ASUU Strike Till Date

This is a compiled  history of ASUU Strike in Nigeria since 1999 to 2013 as shown here.
The series of strike tabled below have been experienced by all Government-owned universities in Nigeria, whose academic lecturers remained under the umbrella of the “Academic Staff Union of Universities -ASUU”.
1999—5 months
2001—3 months
2002—2 weeks
2003—6 months(ended in 2004)
2005—3 days
2006—1 week
2007—3 months
2008—1 week
2009—4 months
2010—5months & 1 week 2011—3 months(ended in 2012)
2013—2months, 2 weeks, and still counting.

QUESTION: When Would the 2013 ASUU Strike End? And when will our “good-for-nothing” government resolve the issues behind tertiary education in this country?
If this strike is affecting you in any way, SHARE this history now with friends, and comment your take below

How To Check Your NECO June/July 2013 Result

This is to inform the general public and especially candidates that participated in the National Examinations Council (NECO) 2013 June/July internal examination that their results have been released.
2013 NECO result has been fully uploaded online, and it can be access from the council’s result checking portal.
Steps to Check 2013 June/July NECO Result
1. Go to NECO result checking portal here.
2. Select year Examination Type
3. Select year of examination
4. Enter your card PIN number
5. Enter your Examination Number
6. Click on Check My Result button to finally see your result.
After checking your result, don’t forget to share it with others via the comment section below

EBSU 2013/14 Pre-Degree Form Is Out

The long awaited 2013/2014 EBSU Pre-Degree form is now on-sale for candidates who wish to enroll to the six month programme in the university after which  you gain admission into 100 level in any course of your choice provided you read and pass your exams. The sale of the form kicked off silently and despite the fact that ASUU is on strike the forms are selling, students are advised to hurry and purchase the forms on time so as to speed up their admission process, pre-degree admission list will be rolling out from time to time and candidates who bought the 2013/2014 EBSU Pre-Degree form first will make the first admission list.
EBSU offers both Science and Art and will be admitting students into medicine this year.
BUZZ: to purchase the EBSU PD form call Mr Nnamdi on 07061113568
TO REGISTER FOR 2013/2014 EBSU Pre-Degree Candidates will need the following:
Local govt identification
2 passports photographs
O’level result
At the end of the six(6) months programme candidates will sit for an Exam and successful candidates  will gain automatic admission into  100  level.
Note : no entrance exam will be conducted for those who wish to enroll for PD in EBSU all you need to do is purchase the  form and your in and candidates should also bear in mind that they will sit for the upcoming 2014 JAMB examinations.
Good Luck to you all

NDU 2013/14 Online Clearance For Freshers Now In Progress

This to inform all 2013/2014 Niger Delta University (NDU) aspirants who have been offered admission that the online clearance is now on.

Students are to purchase an acceptance e-pin from Diamond Bank in NDU Wilberforce Island for N10,000 (Ten thousand naira) with Eresoft fee of N1000 (One Thousand naira).
Students are to go for the online clearance with the following documents which should be scanned:
1. Original waec/neco result.(maximum of 2 sittings).
2. Statutory declaration.
3. Two signed attestation letter addressed to the registrar.
4. Birth certificate/age declaration .
5. Local government identification letter.
Students are NOT to go to the school unless told to do so. When you’re done with the online clearance you’ll be notified via email or phone when to come to the school for verification.
When invited to school for verification, you will need to come with:
1. The acceptance form.
2. Original JAMB admission letter,
 3. All other documents used for the online clearance

190 Nigerian Undergraduates Bags Scholarships Awards From SABMF


The Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation (SABMF) has awarded scholarships to 190 Northern Nigerian undergraduate students studying in various institutions across the country.

The advisory council chairman of the foundation, Justice Mamman Nasir (rtd), who extols the virtues of the legendary leader, late Sardauna of Sokoto, Sir Ahmadu Bello during the disbursement of the scholarship fund to the beneficiaries yesterday in Zamfara State capital, Gusau, said political leaders in the north must endeavour to reflect the virtues of the Sardauna especially in tackling the issues of education in the region.
He said that though northern governments are committing huge resources to education sector, “there is need for a more reinforced efforts to build upon the legacies left by Sardauna”. He said that only qualitative education could solve socio-economic problems and foster realistic development of any society.
Speaking on behalf of Governor Yari who is the guest of honour at the occasion, the state commissioner, Ministry of Science and Technical Education, Alhaji Bala Muhammed Dansadau, disclosed that the state government was doing everything possible to upgrade the education sector in the state.
He also said that Zamfara State was one of the leading states in the country in the area of provision of scholarships to its students studying in various institutions across the country and beyond. He noted that the state has committed a lot of resources in the construction and renovation of classrooms and students’ hostels in all institutions of learning across the state.
The ceremony tagged “SABMF 2012/2013 Scholarship Awards for Undergraduates and HND Students” was attended by the chairman of the foundation, Justice Salihu Modibo Alfa Belgore, and two other members of the advisory council, the former inspector-general of police, Alhaji Ibrahim Comassie, and Alhaji Umaru Shinkafi

Friday, September 20, 2013

MUSTE Scholarship For Nigerians 2013/14

The Mankind United To Support Total Education (MUSTE) is a Scholarship arm of Youth Empowerment and ICT Foundation; it was registered with the corporate affairs commission in Abuja Nigeria on the 17th of November 2003. It is founded and funded by Mr. Jim Ovia in the year 1998, to provide financial aid to outstanding Nigeria youths.
 The awardees are given funding for undergraduate study for the duration of the undergraduate program. The award includes tuition and maintaince allowance. The scheme offers an average of 100 opportunities every year. The Financial records show that as at October 2010, Mr. Ovia has invested N98,220,000 in the program on one thousand, four hundred and thirty-nine beneficiaries.
The Mankind United to Support Total Education (MUSTE) program is for undergraduate and higher degree studies only.
All scholarships are awarded based on merit, using the information provided in the form, supporting documents and a screening test.
Applicant must:
• Be a registered member of Youth Empowerment & ICT Foundation
• Have their Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination result or the equivalent
• Have a current admission letter into a recognized higher level institution
• Undergraduate applicant must have passed JAMB and Post-JAMB examinations
• Undergraduates already in school must attach a recent photocopy of their school I.D
• Higher degree applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree or the equivalent, and have at least two years of recent full time professional experience, acquired after a university degree.
• Present one personal reference letter and one academic/professional reference letter. All recommendation letters must be duly signed.
• Higher degree applicant must include a cover letter stating “Why they intend to pursue a higher degree” (Not more than 250 words).
• Attach recent passport photograph
• Include a valid email address in the format (, residential address and telephone number
• All questions are compulsory unless otherwise stated
  • To promote access to tertiary education
  • To invest in the future leaders of Nigeria
  • To provide a platform that encourages competitiveness and promotes equal opportunities in workplace
  • To bridge the knowledge gap in Nigeria
 Eligibility and Criteria
All Nigerian youth are eligible for the scholarship. In the first ten years of the program, 1439 youths from all cross Nigeria have been awarded scholarship. About one hundred awardees are selected each year from a pool of four hundred applicants. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of personal intellectual ability, leadership capability and a desire to use their knowledge to contribute to society throughout Nigeria by providing service to their community and applying their talent and knowledge to improve the lives of others.
The MUSTE Scholarship provides bursary to cover the cost of completing an undergraduate or higher degree program that is within 3 – 6 years. It is also subject to satisfactory academic performance in the subsequent year of the degree program.  The Scholarship provides benefits for the recipient only, and intends to cover:
• Tuition
• A monthly subsistence allowance, for living expenses and books.
The MUSTE Scholarship does not cover:
• Expenses for the scholar’s family.
• Expenses related to research, supplementary materials, field trip or workshops while at the university.
• INTERNATIONAL OR LOCAL TUITION FEES THAT EXCEED THE BURSARY AWARDED. This is a bursary of a fixed amount regardless of the tuition stated by the school.
In addition, • The scholarship awarded is valid for the academic year immediately following the offer of the award and cannot be deferred for any reason.
• Should you be granted the scholarship, your progress report is required at the end of every academic year as well as your annual academic results. These should be sent in prior to the renewal of your scholarship.
• The MUSTE scholarship only supplements and does not duplicate any other source of financial support the scholar might have. However, scholars must inform the Board of MUSTE if they have other sources of scholarship funds.
Your MUSTE scholarship maybe withdrawn unconditionally or partially if during the scholarship period the Board has evidence of additional sources of support.

ASUU Strike To Be Suspended Next Week


Hope of an early resolution of the strike embarked on by the public universities’ lecturers rises as the Vice-President Namadi Sambo met with the leadership of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU in Abuja on Thursday.
The meeting held behind closed doors had in attendance the supervising Minister of Education, Nyesom Wike and the Executive Secretary of National Universities Commission, Prof. Julius Okojie.
The union was led by its National President, Dr. Nasir Faggae, and two former Presidents of ASUU; Dr. Dipo Fasina and Dr. Abdullahi Sule-Kano.
Others at the meeting were the Vice-Chancellors of Bayero University Kano, Prof. Abdulrasheed Abubakar; Prof. Isaac Adewole of the University of Ibadan; and Prof. Muhammed Hamisu of the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi.
It was however uncertain if yesterday’s discussion was fruitful as the two parties did not disclose the outcome of the meeting which lasted for two hours to journalists.
Fagge, however, told State House Correspondents that the union would make its position known after the National Executive Council meeting.
Wike assured Nigerians that students would soon return to school as government was ready to make sure all the contending issues were resolved as soon as possible.
But a source at the meeting, who pleaded anonymity, however, told one of our correspondents that going by the new offers made by the Federal Government, the strike might be called off within the next two weeks.
This, the source said, was because the Federal Government had agreed to inject fund to revitalize the university system.
“The meeting went well, the vice-president made some new offers that were different from what was on ground before. For instance, the Federal Government had agreed to start the injection of revitalization fund into the university system starting with N100bn this year and N150bn in 2014 and this will continue until the university system is solid enough to stand.
The source, however, said that the ASUU team promised the vice-president that the union would make it decision on the strike known after its NEC meeting unconfirmed source said had been scheduled for Saturday

Face difficulties positively

by Ndubuisi
This parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule.
The mule fell into the farmer’s well. The farmer heard the mule praying or whatever mules do when they fall into wells. After carefully assessing the situation, the farmer sympathized with the mule, but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving. Instead, he called his neighbors together, told them what had happened, and enlisted them to help haul dirt to bury the old mule in the well and put him out of his misery.
Initially the old mule was hysterical! But as the farmer and his neighbors continued shoveling and the dirt hit his back, a thought struck him. It suddenly dawned on him that every time a shovel load of dirt landed on his back, HE WOULD SHAKE IT OFF AND STEP UP!
This he did, blow after blow. “Shake it off and step up…shake it off and step up…shake it off and step up!” He repeated to encourage himself. No matter how painful the blows, or how distressing the situation seemed, the old mule fought panic and just kept right on SHAKING IT OFF AND STEPPING UP!
It wasn’t long before the old mule, battered and exhausted, stepped triumphantly over the wall of that well! What seemed like it would bury him actually helped him . . . all because of the manner in which he handled his adversity.
THAT’S LIFE! If we face our problems and respond to them positively, and refuse to give in to panic, bitterness, or self-pity.

The strength of group work

by Ndubuisi
Once a US president went out to see the situation of the city. Somewhere a group of soldiers was trying to lift a large branch of a tree from their way.
The Corporal was standing by their side instructing them to work harder, but they were unable to move it.
A stranger was riding on his horse and he observed what was going on. He said to the Corporal – “if you help them they will be able to move it. Why don’t you help them? ”
The Corporal replied – “That is not my job, I am the Corporal. It is their work, they should do it.”
The stranger did not hesitate a moment, immediately he dismounted from his horse, and helped the group of the soldiers to move that log.
This additional strength helped them to move the log. After moving it, the stranger mounted his horse and said to the Corporal – “Next time you need to move some heavy thing and you need a help, call for the Commander-in Chief” and went away his way.
It was then that the men realized that the stranger was none other than George Washington – the first President of the United States, the Commander-in-Chief of the army.